Baltic 2 to be built with steel from the Salzgitter Group

08.10.2013 | Salzgitter AG

Baltic 2 to be built with steel from the Salzgitter Group

Group companies delivers 44,150 tons of steel for offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea

Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH (ILG) and Salzgitter Mannesmann Grobblech GmbH (MGB), both member companies of the Salzgitter Group, will be delivering a total of 44,150 tons of plate, which is the major share of the material required for the steel tube constructions of the Baltic 2 offshore wind farm.

Siemens and EEW Special Pipe Constructions are ILG and MGB's customers buying the plate to manufacture the wind turbines and foundation structures anchored in the seabed, namely pin piles, monopiles, and jackets. The delivery period runs from the end of 2012 through to the fourth quarter of 2013.

In fulfilling this contract, ILG and MGB are underlining their outstanding competence and competitive strengths in the offshore wind industry. The contracts mark a further step in the successful expansion of activities in this sector.

The EnBW Baltic 2 offshore wind farm, constructed and operated by EnBW Erneuerbare und Konventionelle Erzeugung AG, is to be built in the German Baltic Sea. It is due for completion in 2014, with 80 wind turbines, and will generate 1.2 billion kilowatts of electricity per year, which is sufficient to supply around 340,000 households with electricity. The ensuing CO2 savings will amount to approximately 900,000 tons a year.

This project is yet another example underscoring the indispensable contribution steel is making to the expansion of renewable energies.