"Names Sharpen the Image" – Salzgitter Flachstahl presents its new brand architecture

23.10.2014 | Salzgitter AG

"Names Sharpen the Image" – Salzgitter Flachstahl presents its new brand architecture

Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH (SZFG) is launching its new brand architecture under the slogan of "Names Sharpen the Image". This architecture, to be presented to the public for the first time at the Euroblech trade fair in Hanover, structures the existing brand names into a coherent concept.

Three letters are at the heart of the new brand architecture: SAL. They stand for the company's location of Salzgitter and reflect its strong connection with this region. Customers can now clearly see from the abbreviation SAL on the steel products that they are manufactured by Salzgitter Flachstahl.

A product's dominant feature is reflected by another component in the new brand architecture. The product names of TektoSal®; AndroSal® and RobuSal® originate from the Latin names of trees, examples being the teak tree and the robinia. They demonstrate the analogies between wood and steel in their roles as indispensable materials with universal application and huge sustainability.

Further, secondary features appear in a third component that distinguishes the steel grades of Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH from those of its competitors. SZFG's steel products are evolved on a constant basis. No one single property, such as high strength or good formability, characterizes the steel grades – instead a combination of properties tailored to the respective application scenario are precisely indicated. Take the example of seca®, representing optimized laser weldability, or the abbreviation xpand® which stands for improved formability.

The new brand architecture shows that Salzgitter Flachstahl is consistently charting its chosen course, concentrating on developing new products, and focusing on the production of premium brand products.