Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Lochte †

07.03.2011 | Salzgitter AG

Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Lochte †

It is with deep sadness that we have learned of the death of the Honorary Chairman of our Supervisory Board, Dr.-Ing. E. h. Wilfried Lochte. Dr. Lochte was the Chair of the Supervisory Board of Salzgitter AG from March 16, 1999 until March 31, 2007.

He took office at a time which was both challenging and yet decisive for the Salzgitter Group. It was thanks to his great professional experience coupled with a profound understanding of human nature and strength of character that internal management stability was quickly restored and Salzgitter AG was able to set out on a highly successful path.

Dr. Lochtes term of office as Chair of the Supervisory Board was marked by some crucial decisions and choices of direction which served to determine the future of Salzgitter AG. For Dr. Lochte, the independence and profitability of the Group was always the primary consideration in every entrepreneurial situation. During his term of office the structure of the Group was altered and extended in ways which have made Salzgitter the international steel and technology group that it is today. We shall continue to pursue the policies of the Group in the manner he envisaged.

Dr. Lochte had strong ties to the Braunschweig region and was a supporter of numerous scientific, cultural and historical projects. His creative powers were always a source of admiration to us.

We extend our sympathies to his family, and we shall honor his memory.